Why write a business blog?
A blog welcomes people to your website and your business. Some of the most visited pages on a site are blog articles. People use them for advice, guidance or just a little inspiration, often able to get up to speed on a topic in just a few minutes.
Social Media Today found that, on average, a website with a business blog receives 55% more visitors. So, what’s not to like about a blog?
I’m a marketer that writes a lot of business blog articles for clients. In some cases they are the main source of their organic web traffic. I have one client that regularly appears on the front page of Google for their search terms without paying a penny in AdWords. And they’ve been reaping the benefits for years.
Don’t just take my word for it - some of the biggest business websites all run a highly popular blog. Mashable, FastCompany, Enterprise Nation, Hubspot…they can’t all be wrong. And, according to HubSpot, businesses that are consistent with blogging are 13 times more likely to get a positive ROI.
So, why do I still get asked this question…
Why should I have a blog on my website?
If you are still wondering yourself, let’s see if I can convince you.
A blog shows that you are an expert at what you do / and helps gain visibility for that expertise
A blog is a great way for businesses to share knowledge with their customers about their industry or expertise. Your customers are usually asking questions and looking for answers. A blog can answer those questions and build you into an authority on the topic in the process. It therefore helps build trust and confidence in your brand or service. What’s more, if they learn something that helps them, they’ll share it - and they’ll be back too.
It earns access to your customer’s valuable time
When someone reads your blog, they are effectively spending time with you - but their time is valuable - so a well written blog earns the right to some of their time. Very effective at the awareness stage of marketing, they help attract the interest of new customers. They probably wouldn’t want to se you in person or take your call, but they’ll spend a few minutes with you thanks to your helpful blog. In effect you’re giving something for free in the hope that this will lead them further towards choosing to make a purchase on their own.
It benefits your website SEO
Every time you write a blog post, it's one more indexed page on your website, which means it's one more opportunity for you to show up in search results and drive traffic to your website in organic search. And, we all know that we trust organic results more than paid ads. The more content you publish on a particular topic, the more Google sees you as an authority and the higher each piece of content belonging to that topic will rank.
Keyword research will help identify what your target audience is searching for which should then feature in the headline and copy. There are ways to structure a blog article so that it stands a better chance of being found and most websites come with an SEO plugin such as the Yoast module, used with Wordpress. Setup your blog post the right way and your potential customers will find you.
It builds your email list
Blogging is a way to collect emails of interested prospects by asking website visitors to subscribe to your blog posts. Offering a free download - perhaps a guide or a checklist - at the end of a blog is another effective way to do this. You can then add these users to your email list (providing they’ve opted in or you’ve made it explicitly clear they are agreeing to receive marketing data in future) and send further communication about your business. The more touchpoints you have with a potential customer, the greater chance you’ll have of them converting.
It can help to launch new products or services
Businesses often use blogs and content presentations as a channel to announce new products, features, and inform customers about the solutions they can provide. It helps if this isn’t too obvious at the outset - you might write an article about a problem that exists and then link to a paid for audit at the end.
If the blog article was obviously selling something, that may deter readers so, as long as you give some value, then they will be more disposed to take a further look at your service - it’s all about developing trust.
It demonstrates your authenticity and humility - people like honesty
It’s not all about sales - but this in itself can indirectly help sales. Your blog can share your personal stories, challenges and life or business journey. Writing is a way to be authentic and you’ll find your readers can connect with you on a personal level through your blog. If they relate to you, it’s another way to build a relationship and earn their trust. After all, we buy from those we know like and trust.
A blog helps you be clearer about what you do
A blog post typically explores one key idea and, like this blog, is often divided into separate points. By the time you have researched a blog, got your points across you’ll be surprised how well that knowledge sits front of mind. Writing a blog clarifies your thinking. The next time you are asked a question or are with customers, you’ll feel more in command of your topic. And that’s never a bad thing!
A good blog can share something interesting and relevant, raise your profile with your customer base, signpost your customer to the next step - and all in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. So, if you're looking to start a business blog or develop the one you've already got, the reasons above should hopefully convince you. If you have any questions about blogging for your business, please get in touch.
Ben Wheeler is a freelance marketing consultant and content writer working with growing businesses. He also helps clients produce articles for LinkedIn.